We have openings in our October 1966, December 1996, and January 1997 Farsight Voyager courses. Due to the Olympics, there will be no courses after the June course until after the summer months. If you are interested in course other than those listed below, please contact us by phone, fax, mail, or email and we will send you the later course dates when they become available. You can also keep up-to-date by looking up our World Wide Web page regularly! Or you can call our office at any time to obtain course dates (404-320-2007). If no one is in, the automated answering system allows touch-tone callers various informational options, including course dates.
The dates for the scheduled classes are as follows:
March 9-16 This course is completed.
March 23-30 This course is completed.
May 11-18 This course is completed.
June 1-8 This course is completed.
October 12-19 (Arriving in Atlanta in the afternoon of the 12th and departing either late October 19th or early October 20th.)
December 7-14 (Arriving in Atlanta in the afternoon of the 7th and departing either late December 14th or early December 15th.)
January 4-11, 1997 (Arriving in Atlanta in the afternoon of the 4th and departing either late January 11th or early January 12th.)
If you wish to attend, have the Institute send you an application and informational packet. You may request one online. We will be accepting applications until the courses fill.
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The Farsight Institute copyright 1996.